Friday, November 05, 2004


Deep Dark Hole

I did it.

I didn't do it because my parents said to or because my brother insisted. I didn't do it because I was inspired or hopeful. I didn't even do it because I felt I could make a difference.

I did it sadly because I did not like Bush.

I hate the fact that I voted against and not for. It is contrary to one of my core beliefs. I think this comes from being a Texan in Minnesota. I despise watching sports and having people root against the Cowboys, the Astros, or my Spurs. It hurts to have people do that.

Do not try to convince me that Kerry had a better plan for Iraqi or health care or education. I don't care anymore. It was Kerry's job to convince me, a college educated teacher and parent of three, that he would best lead the United States. He got my vote. . .

. . . because I really didn't like Bush.


Well said!
Or how about "We are even more Fucked!"
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