Thursday, May 01, 2008


Gift of the Magi

Lately I have been thinking about alternative ending to stories. I believe the root of this is that I am somehow trying to make them more relevant to my life and because I am 40, my life seems at times unfulfilled.

One story I have changed is the Gift of the Magi. This story, if my 40 year old brain is still firring, is about a very poor couple who both make incredible sacrifices for each other and in the process make each others sacrifice meaningless. This is the story that 10th grade English Teachers use to teach irony.

I have always loved this story because I can imagine the couple opening there gifts and knowing that they are with the right person. They had chosen a partner who had given away their most prized possession for the person they loved. Each person, after realizing this, would share a gaze, a smile and the scene would fade.

What if...

After the gaze and smile, the couple starts to argue over their folly. Why would you sell your watch? Your hair will take years to get to the same length. Each person does not see what was sacrificed for them but sees the meaninglessness of their own sacrifice.

How sad this story would be.
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