Sunday, January 04, 2009


Week One

Jan 1: TV: 30 minutes Hockey (Chicago vs Detroit)
30 minutes Football (USC vs Penn State) = 1 hour
Read: 1 hour Botany of Desire (0 minutes)

Jan 2: TV: 0 minutes
Read: 45 minutes Botany of Desire
45 minutes of A Christmas Carol = 1.5 hours (1.5 hours)

Jan 3: TV: 99 minutes (What Happens in Vegas)
Read: 79 minutes Botany of Desire
30 minutes of A Christmas Carol = 109 minutes (1 hr 40 min)

Jan 4: TV: 120 minutes of Football (Vikings vs Phily)
Read: 90 minutes Botany of Desire
30 minutes of A Christmas Carol = 120 minutes (1 hr 40 min)
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