Sunday, July 19, 2009



July 12: TV: 0 min.
Read: Battle of the Labyrinth 30 min. ( -55 min.)

July 13:TV: 0 min.
Read: Super Crunchers 30 min.
Battle of the Labyrinth 30 min. = 1 hr. (5 min.)

July 14: TV: 0 min.
Read: The Lost Continent 30 min.
Battle of the Labyrinth 30 min. = 1 hr. (1 hr. 5 min.)

July 15: TV: CRAP!!! 3 hr.
Read: Super Crunchers 30 min.
Battle of the Labyrinth 30 min. = 1 hr. (-55 min.)

July 16: TV: 0 min.
Read: Battle of the Labyrinth 30 min (-25 min.)

July 17: TV: 0 min.
Read: The Lost Continent 30 min. (5 min.)

July 18: TV: CRAP!!! 4 hrs.
Read: The Lost Continent 30 min. (-3 hr. 25 min.)
I know this is going to come down to Dec 31 all night reading. This Charlie Cauthorn 101 :D
You know me so well!!!
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