Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Pod Cast

I am attempting to create my first Podcast. It will be on going letter to my brother. It will be primitive, boring, and won't be ready for about two months.

Here is my rough outline:

I. Anthony

A. Violin

B. Baseball/Basketball

C. Birthday

II. Nathaniel

A. Violin

B. Baseball/Basketball

C. Birthday

III. Michael

A. Soccer

B. Birthday

IV. Sarah

A. Job

B. Birthday

Stay tuned.
Can't wait!!! Like the outline. Make it happen :D
I may have bit off more than I can chew. We will see. I need 2 months, at least.
Sounds like we need a series. One point a week.
I can try that. Give me until October 1st to get something going.
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