Saturday, October 24, 2009


Week Forty-Three

Oct. 18: TV: Amazing Race 1 hr.
Read: 0 min. (-9 hr. 30 min.)

Oct. 19: TV: CRAP!!! 4 hr.
Read: 0 min. (-13 hr. 30 min.)

Oct. 20: TV: 0 min.
Read: 0 min. (-13 hr. 30 min.)

Oct. 21: TV: CRAP!!! 4 hr.
Read: 0 min. (-17 hr. 30 min.)

Oct. 22: TV: 0 min.
Read: 0 min. (-17 hr. 30 min.)

Oct. 23: TV: 0 min.
Read: 0 min. (-17 hr. 30 min.)

Oct. 24: TV: 0 min.
Read: 0 min. (-17 hr. 30 min.)
DUDE!??!? 17 hours is almost one day. I'm officially worried.
I'm in deep trouble. Time to find a good book!!! Suggestions?
I say you reread the hitch hikers guide (minus the fourth book). The Dirk Gently...
I just stopped by the library to pick up some short quick reads. The Pearl, and several The #1 Lady's Detective Agency.
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