Sunday, November 08, 2009


$20 Per Gallon: How the Inevitable Rise in the Price of Gasoline Will Change Our Lives for the Better

by Christopher Steiner

This book takes an interesting turn in the energy debate. It bypasses the debate entirely. Instead of trying to convince the reader that global warming is happening, or that society is obligated to convert to clean energy, Steiner examines how America will react to the rising cost of a gallon of gasoline.

Each chapter is a price point ($4, $6, $8, etc.) highlighting the changes in American society at each. Steiner points out the effects of rising costs to fundamental industries and how the risiing costs of energy force change. Heads up, sell your stocks in the airline industry, soon tickets to Hawaii (or anywhere for that matter) will become unaffordable at $8 per gallon.

It I was to voice a criticism about this extremely enjoyable book, it would be that it is American-centric and paints too clean a picture of the future. Steiner's vision is a clear path to $20 a gallon with no bumps, pain, or suffering along the way. But, after I reminded myself that removing the politics of this topic was what made the book intriguing, I was able to look past this flaw.

I would recommend this book for its Utopian vision of the future.
What a thoughtful book topic. I imagine it's a good read about all the non obvious consequences from the rise of oil (of course I'm not going to read it though).

Makes me miss Hawaii!!
Very interesting topic. The book talks alot about New York and the need for more cities to develope along the same lines.

I can't wait to see you in TX!!!
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