Friday, October 08, 2010


MGMT: Congratulations

Charlie says: 
You are not going to like this review Tina.

I liked MGMT's first album.  "Time to Pretend", "Kids", and "Electric Feel" where fun, energetic, trippy songs unfortunately I found nothing similar on Congratulations. Hell, there was not even an attempt to try to do something similar.

If you are looking for some glimmer of hope, some song that shows a bit of promise, turn and run.  Not even the title track "Congratulations" comes through, it is, well, boring.

I tried to find something to like.  I listened to this album at least six times but it did not get any better.  I even when back and listened to Oracular Spectacular again to find out what I liked about MGMT.  I noticed something.  There are some shitty songs on that album as well, "4th Dimensional Transition", "Pieces Of What", "Of Moons, Birds & Monsters", "The Handshake", and "Future Reflections" all stink. 

This is not a good band.  They had there moment in the sun and are now just bringing me down.  On the Tina/Charlie promote it, lend it, deny it scale, I give this a very very uncongratulatory deny it.
Wow... I'm embarrassed to admit that I really like the song Congratulations. I felt I had to listen to it with such a scathing review. I was prepared not to like it because I don't even like their big hit Kids.

I like the twangy sound the strong bass line and the old school ethereal harp thing. I even like the lyrics.
P- Everyone finds something differnt in what is listen to. I am glad you liked it.
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