Tuesday, August 09, 2011


Colorado 2011 Cauthorn Style Day One

August 7, 2011

A few things before I begin describing Estes Park: all places are beautiful beyond words so any attempt I make will be wanton,  life was everywhere around us so I will leave out most animal encounters, and pictures will be added soon which will not do justice to our trip.

Travel was uneventful other that the "slight" detour we took trying to avoid the toll roads in Denver.  We ended up driving through Boulder, another amazingly beautiful city, which slowed us down quite a bit.  Driving through Boulder is like trying to navigate in downtown Stillwater during the dinner hour.

When we did arrive at the YMCA of the Rockies it was two in the afternoon just in time to sign the boys up for camp and to get a bite to eat.  We ate at the Estes Park Brewery.  Having not eaten for seven hours all Minnesota Cauthorn's chowed down, well, all but Sarah that is.

After a few side trips, one where Papa bought Anthony some "real" hiking boots, we gathered at Jeremiah to play Guillotine and eat pizza.  I won the inaugural game which is the only game that really matters, so I won't go into how I fared the rest of the trip.

Mom and Dad look great!  Both were so excited to see us and greeted us with kisses, hugs, and more kisses.  I am shocked how quickly the boys seem to acclimate to their grandparents.  Not that Mom and Dad make it difficult, it is just that after only minutes, we seem to be one big happy family again.

We all slept well anticipating exciting days to come in Colorado!
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