Monday, January 02, 2012


2012 New Year's Resolutions

I believe new year's resolutions are good for me.  They help me distinguish the difference between want and need. 

This year, I hope to focus on fitness and health:
As always I am completely confident.  2012, BRING IT!!!
I like it brother. I'm not making any this year.
How are you going to keep track of the steps one?
My phone has a pedometer that keeps track. So far: 2397, 11047, and 9831 but I plan to walk around the house a lot tonight! Bad first day but I am holding my own from then on.
I would like to read Henderson the Rain King as well. Let me know when you start it.
I am loving "Under the Net". It is both hilarious and insightful. I will pass both it and "Henderson the Rain King" on to you when I am done.
I see "Under the Net" is part of your top 100. I think I'm going to read it, when a top 100 is funny it intrigues me.
It is excellent. I would love to hear what you think.
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